Winston was adopted in Arizona about 5 years ago. He is originally from Lebanon where his shelter was bombed. He was picked up by an American soldier as he was found wandering the streets. From there, he went to France where we was vaccinated, and then sent to the US for adoption. That's where I fell in love. He is the sweetest most lovable boy in the world! I think our neighbor just got a puppy who was crying, which is why he has the focused/confused look. He was trying to figure out what that noise was!
This sweet baby girl is Zona. She was rescued about a year ago in Austin. Her past is a little unknown. We do know that she was used as a breeder once upon a time. The vet seems to think she has had several litters in her 5 years and has hip dysplasia (which is likely why her breeder didn't want her anymore). When we rescued her, we got her spayed and promised her that she would never have to breed again. She spends most of her time playing with her big brother Winston and
I hope you can keep up with the personal project! Your dogs are so lucky to have you and I know you feel the same way about finding them!
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